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Digital Transformation
After initiating innovation and digitalization projects (e.g., innovation labs, product divisions, design sprints, and other ideation formats), success depends on consistently and systematically implementing ideas and concepts. This is precisely where "Digital Transformation" comes into play, bridging the gap from strategic planning to the successful execution of the newly developed concept.
To tackle the multifaceted challenges, a wide range of competencies and skills (organization, management, methodical upskilling) must be considered. We combine these under Transformation Excellence, ensuring the sustainable success of your innovation and digitalization project.
Our Services
4C Study: "Success Factors of Innovation Labs"
Initial observations and research from "lab practice" show that there are significant differences in key practices between innovation labs/digital hubs & co. The aim of the study was to work out which factors lead to increased chances of success in innovation labs.
Thank you for understanding that we can currently only offer our studies in german. For more information feel free to contact us directly.
Our Success Stories
Client Testimonials
"The cooperation with Felix Hesse and his colleagues was extremely enriching for my team and me on several levels. The 4C GROUP combines very good methodology with a high degree of individualisation and adaptation to the needs of the client. The colleagues work very precisely, reliably and bindingly. The work results are very rich in content and consistent. They are very appreciative and accommodating, despite all their goal orientation, which makes the cooperation pleasant for all project participants. And decisive for their mission - they bring along knowledge, ideas and impulses, thus enriching the process of strategy design or the detailed preparation of a development project with important aspects of content."
Marta Steib, Head of Workstream Kanzleimanagement at DATEV eG
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How you can use APIs to help develop your business model
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We would like to point out that this website only offers a limited insight into our services. Our expertise and range of services cannot be fully represented on this platform. For individual advice and to address your specific concerns in the best possible way, we cordially invite you to contact us directly so that we can offer you tailor-made solutions.
Thank you for your trust. We look forward to hearing from you.