Early childhood education opens up opportunities

Our vision: We want to leave footprints in early childhood education - everywhere we live and work. The early support of our children - regardless of background and social status - is crucial for their and our society's further development.

And we are so convinced of this that our 4C FOOTSTEPS STIFTUNG has been supporting selected projects since 2012, not only financially but also with the commitment of our employees - for example by sponsoring a child or by taking part in the Munich Marathon or other activities.

We are in competition for values such as freedom, tolerance and the common good, which should also remain self-evident for disadvantaged children. Out of this thought we offer sustainable support - without restriction of social, regional or other backgrounds.

Mile stones of the foundation


Supported projects


Supported facilities


Year of foundation


4C sponsorships

HORIZONT - A permanent home and sustainable integration for formerly homeless children and mothers

Since 2019, the 4C FOOTSEPS STIFTUNG has been supporting HORIZONT e. V. in various early childhood education projects. In the KITA HORIZONT, residents' children are cared for together with children from the neighborhood. Here, a fundamental linking of socially disadvantaged, formerly homeless children with children from other social and cultural backgrounds takes place: In playing and learning together, they also overcome language barriers, get to know each other, build trust, and make friends outside their own demographic group, thus creating an important prerequisite for sustainable social integration.
The overriding goals are to anchor children from socially disadvantaged families in our society in the long term and to work for equal opportunities in our education system at an early stage. You can find out more about HORIZONT e.V. here.


Current Projects

New projects for the year 2022/2023


The pandemic and its consequences - focus topics 2022-2023

The educators at the HORIZONT daycare center were able to recognize direct negative effects within the families early on in the course of the pandemic: Against their already difficult backgrounds - experience of violence, flight and homelessness - old traumas re-emerged during the crisis, new tensions and fears arose and put a great strain on the relationships between many mothers and their children. Emergency care was therefore quickly set up for the HORIZONT daycare center, but it was still not possible to fully compensate for all the deficits within the family. Many of the children receive very little attention from home during this challenging time and receive little to no support. Of the 37 children cared for in the HORIZONT daycare center, 25 currently have a very high need for support. Therefore, supplementary measures were developed by HORIZONT to counteract the negative consequences of the pandemic in a targeted manner, which we, as the
4C FOOTSTEPS Foundation, would like to support:

Therapeutic year music project - already initiated

As an outlet for stress and anxiety, to support interaction and a sense of community, and to build self-confidence, the children will compose songs and chants together with an external music therapist and a musician, and will also bring their own songs and elements from their families' cultures. The goal is the experience of self-efficacy and appreciation.

Additional support for remedial education

Some of the children are currently suffering particularly due to the extreme conditions of a strained relationship structure: they are deficient in various areas of development (social, emotional, creative, interaction, language acquisition, physical and hygiene experience). In order to compensate for this, an external curative education specialist is called in: The goal is to prevent these children from moving to special education facilities, as this change would be critical for their entire future. For this purpose, additional 1-to-1 care and support in motor and cognitive areas is necessary in the medium term.

Nature educational excursions

In order to get the children out of the usual and very one-sided setting due to the pandemic and to give them positive leisure time experiences, target group oriented excursions will take place during the care time. The families of the children often do not have the possibilities or the demand to organize the free time of the children profitably.


Completed projects

These projects have been successfully realized in 2020/2021 with the support of 4C FOOTSTEPS STIFTUNG


House of Little Scientists

Early childhood education in the fields of mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology (MINT): The special education program provides qualified support for children of daycare age in discovering, researching and learning. The "House of Little Scientists" improves educational opportunities, promotes interest in the STEM field and professionalizes educational staff for this purpose. The foundation wants to enable all daycare and elementary school children to have an everyday encounter with mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, as well as with issues of sustainability.


Holistic, development-oriented promotion of perception and movement. Movement and perception are crucial for stable early childhood development in the areas of emotionality, cognition, language development and social behavior.

Parent support

"Parental opportunity is child opportunity: Engaging families in education early." With this program of the European Social Fund, parents of socially disadvantaged families in particular are sensitized and accompanied at an early stage and individually for the topic of the educational careers of their children.

Advanced training

Against the background of the clientele to be cared for (families formerly affected by homelessness and socially disadvantaged families), the pedagogical focus in the daycare center is on the areas of language and integration. The training courses attended by the pedagogical staff will initially focus on the topics of intercultural communication, language education, strengthening resilience and healthy nutrition.

Orientation of learning materials

The learning materials are based on the pedagogical orientation of the team and support early childhood education in the STEM areas and language development (German as a foreign language), promotion of movement, social behavior, emotionality and cognition, healthy nutrition and music.

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IBAN: DE69733200730018833700
UniCredit Bank AG

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*4C FOOTSTEPS STIFTUNG is a nationally recognized non-profit foundation. Please enter your address in the case of referral on our donations account, if you want a tax receipt (only for donations of 300€ or more). These are available at the beginning of the following year of your donation.

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