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Smart grid: control the energy transition with the 4C GROUP

The need for transformation

Due to the inevitable advance of climate change, Germany is on the threshold of a significant transformation: the energy transition. The aim is to significantly increase the proportion of renewable energies and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, while at the same time ensuring a nationwide and reliable energy supply. The electricity grid operators play an elementary key role as intermediaries between producers and consumers and are an indispensable link for a successful energy transition.


Smart grid: the key to the energy transition

The importance of the smart grid for the energy transition

The intelligent electricity grid or smart grid describes the telecommunication connection of all participants from generation, transportation, storage to consumption to the energy supply grid. Driven by volatile electricity generation from renewable energies, it forms the backbone and enables flexible control of supply and demand, promotes sustainable grid stability and increases energy efficiency.

The relevance of a smart grid is undisputed and is crucial for:

  • decentralized energy supply, which enables a nationwide supply of renewable energies. 
  • the ability of grid operators to automatically coordinate generation, grid load and consumption.

The smart grid is of central importance for energy suppliers, grid operators, industrial companies and ultimately for all consumers who depend on a secure, efficient and environmentally friendly energy supply.

A smart grid addresses a variety of challenges:

  • It supports the integration of decentralized energy generation and contributes to the stabilization of the power grid
  • Forms the basis for the automation and digitalization of energy flows, which is particularly important for consumers with their own energy generation, such as photovoltaic systems.





4C Study: Roadmap for System Stability

In December 2023, the German Bundestag adopted the Roadmap for System Stability. The BMWK emphasizes that the Roadmap for System Stability is a central component for transforming the power system as part of the energy transition. Given the more than 50 defined projects, some of which run in parallel and are interdependent, this presents challenges for all parties involved.

To identify current approaches and recommendations for action in implementing the Roadmap, 4C GROUP AG conducted the study "Roadmap for System Stability - Strategic Approaches and Success Factors" among distribution network operators.



4C Study: "Implementation of cybersecurity strategies in the energy sector"

The energy industry is currently facing unprecedented challenges triggered by the war in Ukraine. Energy companies not only have to counter supply bottlenecks, but are also facing targeted cyberattacks on critical infrastructures in particular.

As part of our study "Implementation of cybersecurity strategies in the energy sector", we therefore conducted qualitative interviews with a total of 12 experts from the 30 largest electricity network operators in the telecommunications infrastructure sector and discussed the implementation of cybersecurity strategies. The questions dealt with the number and intensity of cyber attacks, responsibilities, control mechanisms, information procurement, top management awareness, risks in the supply chain and future technologies and concepts.

You can find an initial overview of the study and the most important findings in our document. If you have any further questions, please contact our expert Martin Stephany.


The future of the smart grid is not shaped by technology alone, but by the wisdom with which we interconnect strategy, technology, and humanity.

Christopher Kaetz | 4C GROUP

Our Services

Strategic Excellence

Strategic Excellence

  • Business Model Innovation: Identification and further development of sustainable business models
  • Business Capabilities & Sourcing Strategy: Evaluation of core business capabilities & optimization of vertical integration
  • Utility Architecture: Strategic development plan for technical communication services
  • Organization of the future: Structural and cultural changes to promote innovation & transformation readiness
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: Extending corporate strategy to include the CSR concept
  • Post-merger integration: Sustainable harmonization and merger-followed integration
Future Transformation

Future Transformation:

  • Project portfolio management: Identification and prioritization of business-critical initiatives
  • New Technologies Enablement: Initiation & management of innovation projects (e.g. 450 MHz) incl. orchestration of all internal and external stakeholders
  • Maturity analysis of technical resources: Evaluation of technical components according to future viability and sustainability
  • Process optimization: Increased efficiency through streamlining and digitization
  • Transformation success management: Structured and targeted management of strategically relevant projects
Critical infrastructure

Critical infrastructure:

  • Enterprise resilience map: Analysis of cyber-resilience of critical business areas and processes
  • Strategic network topology: Visibility of the network infrastructure at the perimeter interface from IT to OT
  • Data threat evaluation: Assessing the individual risk of distributed data in critical business processes
  • Intelligent automation: Exploiting potential for optimizing process depth in the infrastructure area
  • Cybersecurity localization: Determining the maturity level of the cybersecurity organization

Is Your Organization Ready for the Roadmap System Stability?

The energy transition presents grid operators with unprecedented challenges-and opportunities. The "Roadmap System Stability," developed under the guidance of the Federal Network Agency, is the first comprehensive blueprint for a stable power supply system based on 100% renewable energy. With 51 clearly defined processes, precise timelines, and clear responsibilities, it sets the pace for transformation.

We support you in assessing your process readiness and deriving targeted actions-for sustainable stability and future-proof decisions.

Let's strengthen your key role in the energy transition together.

Readiness Assessment Roadmap System Stability


Success Factors

Success factors for implementation

  • Integrative strategy and technology selection: For a smart grid to be effective, a comprehensive strategy is required that not only takes into account the technological infrastructure, but also reliably ensures the integration of all stakeholders. The selection of an optimally tailored technology mix is a key success factor here. The ongoing convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) is also creating new challenges and opportunities that require careful consideration and decision-making.
  • Strengthen expert knowledge and internal competencies: The inevitable advance of digitalization in the energy sector requires in-depth expertise in the areas of IT and OT. Electricity grid operators must build up, consolidate and continuously expand the necessary expert knowledge internally in order to be able to meet future requirements. This also includes the ability to standardize and digitalize existing processes in order to increase efficiency and reliability.
  • Targeted transformation and project management:
    A future-proof smart grid requires a clear vision and efficient project and implementation management. With far-reaching organizational, operational and technological changes, companies must be able to react quickly and purposefully to the dynamic requirements of the market. Professional project management, including adequate project organization, board reporting and moderation of decision-making bodies, is crucial.

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Why 4C?


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Grid Smartifizierung und Smart Meter Rollout
Status Quo in Deutschland und Erkenntnisse aus dem europäischen Ausland

As a management consultancy with many years of experience in the energy sector and specific technology expertise, we are your ideal partner for the development and implementation of your smart grid strategy. In our focus area "Smart Grid", we support technology decision-makers, thought leaders and in particular CTOs of electricity grid operators in the areas of strategic excellence, future transformation and operational efficiency. Together we will successfully realize your smart grid project. Get in touch with us to lay the foundation for the energy transition.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can support you on your journey to a smart grid.

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Meet us

E-world energy & partner

The leading trade fair of the energy industry

E-world energy & water in February 2025, serves as the focal point for the European energy sector. As an information platform for the energy industry, E-world annually gathers international decision-makers in Essen. Exhibitors from various sectors of the energy industry showcase their offerings at E-world: approximately half of the exhibitors come from the energy services sector, followed by information technology, energy trading, and energy generation or supply. Other areas of focus include mobility, energy efficiency, marketing and sales, transportation and networks, as well as storage.

Our expert Martin Stephany is personally present on-site and available for individual discussions. To receive detailed consultation and a tailored solution for your needs, we warmly invite you to connect directly with him.

More about E-word engergy & water

VDE FNN Fachkongress ZMP

The Metering and Digitization Congress - ZMP - is the leading event for smart metering systems. The ZMP is the industry meeting point for manufacturers of metering and measuring technology, metering point operators, service providers, authorities and politicians in German-speaking countries. The next ZMP will take place in Leipzig from June 25 to 26, 2025.

Our expert Martin Stephany will be on site to hold interesting discussions and share his extensive expertise with you as a speaker.

More about the VDE FNN Symposium ZMP


Your Experts

Feel free to contact us directly:


Martin Stephany


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Christopher Kaetz

Senior Manager

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Paula Winter


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Florian Zemler


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We would like to point out that this website only offers a limited insight into our services. Our expertise and range of services cannot be fully represented on this platform. For individual advice and to address your specific concerns in the best possible way, we cordially invite you to contact us directly so that we can offer you tailor-made solutions.

Thank you for your trust. We look forward to hearing from you.


Claudia Bauer

Head of Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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Maike Ring

Expert Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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