Get to know us

We regularly create unique opportunities for an open exchange with our customers, partners, friends and our employees. We are convinced that we need spaces for inspiration and contemplation separated from our working environment. 

Upcoming Events

Lunch & Learn mit 4C GROUP | Vena Solutions

| April 2025 |

Entdecken Sie Finanztrends und optimieren Sie Ihre Planung!

Join us in Munich to explore the latest financial trends, discover FP&A best practices, and see how you can transform Excel into your Complete Planning Platform.

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13th Working Group - Group Accounting

| September 2025 |

"From standard to implementation" - Thinking ahead about impacts, preparing solutions, planning implementation

The "Arbeitskreis Group Accounting" has now firmly established itself as a permanent fixture and is aimed at heads of group accounting. It will take place for the thirteenth time on September 25, 2025. In addition to technical workshops, the focus is on communication, as the exchange of ideas among like-minded colleagues remains an important element of our network.

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4C Alumni Reunion

| October 2025 |

A strong network is more important than ever in today's world.

That's why we are looking forward to getting together with our alumni again this year. The focus is on the valuable exchange of experiences, the expansion of your network and the opportunity to keep in touch with each other. You can also look forward to exciting insights into developments at 4C - and, of course, to seeing former colleagues again.

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External Events

You can find our experts from the respective Competence Centers annually at various events as cooperation partners. There, we aim to expand our network and create synergies.

CIO Advisory

Our expert Martin Stephany from our CIO Advisory team regularly participates in various events. These include collaborative events where we partner with other organizations, as well as occasions where our expert serves as a speaker or panel participant. We greatly value the opportunity to engage in such events, as they allow us to collaborate with industry experts, gain valuable insights, and share our expertise.

We always look forward to engaging conversations and personal interactions with you at these events. Your participation is greatly appreciated, and we are excited to meet you there.

CIO Advisory



CFO Advisory

Our experts from the CFO Advisory are looking forward to meeting you in person at events such as the DACH inTouch 2024 in Munich and the SSON | 19th Shared Service & Outsourcing Week in Berlin.

These opportunities are particularly enriching for us, as they facilitate the exchange with other industry experts, provide valuable insights, and enhance our knowledge. Additionally, our experts will be speaking or participating in panels on-site, sharing relevant insights and expertise.

We are excited about inspiring conversations and the chance to engage with you personally!

CFO Advisory


Your Expert

Our contact person will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding events.


Ines Fuzio

Senior Expert Offline Marketing & Events

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