True Characters from consultant - to partner level
Our values, are what unites all of us at 4C - and yet you won't find the typical consulting clichés here, but people as diverse as life. Because excellent services deviate from the norm. Just like the people who deliver them, combining their diverse talents, skills and life experiences. We are a team of distinct characters. True characters.
This includes the 13 partners of 4C, with their individual personalities and diverse competencies. They are permanently and actively involved in their projects and ensure sustainable success. Entrepreneurial thinking, a high sense of responsibility and energetic solution orientation are represented where they are most effective - on site.
In addition to our Executive Board and our strong partnership, which manage the business of 4C GROUP AG, we have a Supervisory Board, which not only fulfills its role as the supervisory body of the stock corporation, but also actively accompanies the partners and employees in strategic issues.
Senior Partner and our Supervisory Board
At 4C, you will not encounter the widespread interchangeable type of consulting. Especially not in the person of Joerg Bassen, who as an engineer stands for the principle of down-to-earthness, objectivity, consideration and careful analysis. His "engineer's view" and his distinctive analytical skills benefit not only the customers, but also the internal exchange of experience and qualification of the employees. In the area of Digital Health, Jörg Bassen is our specialist for the alignment of hospitals to an efficient, modern and innovative organization.
He uses his experience from the development in the field of digital business innovation for companies and brings this to hospitals and clinics - for the benefit of patients and hospital staff. His consulting focus includes digitalization strategy, digital business model analysis and development, as well as digitalization of the patient journey and automation of hospital processes.
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Successful mediators are usually familiar with both sides of a problem. Uwe Dorst is such an intermediary. As an industrial engineer, he throws both weights his technical understanding as well as equally extensive expertise in business administration into the balance of his consulting work. A virtue extremely beneficial when orchestrating optimization and transformation initiatives. Particularly when it is executed in his typical style: quietly, calmly and deliberately.
Uwe Dorst has outstanding experience in financial services and business transformation. He focuses on IT strategy, modernization of IT platforms, sourcing management, processing and operations, digitization and project governance/management.
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"The best concepts, new methods and optimized processes are only sustainable if they are borne and put into practice by the employees and the organization." That is Peter Keefer's true conviction. He transports with this attitude our idea that "true excellence means keeping the grip". A solution not only depends on theory, but more than that on a deep understanding of our clients' organization and the ability to adapt.
His focus lies within the CFO Advisory and especially in digitalization (within CFO Advisory), new role of finance (operating model), controlling & reporting, planning as well as in group accounting and consolidation,.
He has extensive experience in numerous industries, among others Manufacturing, Healthcare, Industrial Services.
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Dr Michael Thiel is Managing Director at Dr Kleeberg & Partner GmbH. He studied law and earned his doctorate at the LMU Munich. Dr Michael H. Thiel acts as Trusted Advisor for entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial families, board members and managing directors, but also for high-net-worth individuals. Advising national and international clients on M&A transactions as well as on restructurings and transformations and specialising in these areas have long formed the basis of his successful work with all representatives of the business community.
Michael has accompanied 4C GROUP AG and its partners in these focal areas since the foundation of 4C GROUP AG in 1997 in the role of Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
Clients today expect far more from consultants than mere project management and methodological expertise. The demands on the consultant's role have evolved significantly. Expert knowledge and specialized skills in transformation management, combined with deep industry experience and a comprehensive overview, are crucial abilities that Daniel Lovric consistently brings to each project. These are the key prerequisites for genuine added value and the ultimate overall success for our clients. Daniel Lovric has outstanding experience in the Financial Services sector, with a special focus on Regulatory Management.
He specializes in Compliance Innovation, Compliance Strategy, ESG Compliance, and Compliance Excellence.
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Where does the "extra mile" many people talk about exactly begin? For Focke Meyer it really starts with true curiosity and a genuine interest for the products and services of his clients. And it goes further if one makes our clients' problems his own. “Success justifies the extra mile,” he says and is sure that decision-makers especially in bottom-line oriented and owner-led companies appreciate his attitude.
His main focus lies within the CFO and CIO Advisory especially in the integration of performance management, reporting, consolidation and planning systems, sourcing management, IT strategy and decision making systems.
He has extensive experience in numerous industries, especially healthcare, financial services, technology, industrial services as well as manufacturing.
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Dorothee Deyhle has been a member of the executive board of CA Akademie AG since 2016. CA Akademie AG was founded by her father in 1971 and specialises in business training seminars for companies - the market leader for in-service controlling training. Dorothee holds a degree in communication design and is responsible for marketing and branding at CA Akademie AG. Before joining the owner-managed company in a responsible position, she founded the current deyhle & löwe Werbeagentur GmbH in 1994, of which she is still the managing director.
Dorothee is a mother of three children and lives for the design of "lifelong learning" in companies in all media forms and knows the challenges of owner-managed companies in transition and transformation.
In 2016, Zarah Bruhn founded the social enterprise Social-Bee gGmbH, which focuses on promoting the labour market integration of refugees, as CEO from her master's degree in business administration at the universities of Mannheim and Munich. To this end, Social-Bee already supports more than 70 companies with a combination of non-profit employee leasing, support and integration measures to bring more refugees into permanent employment and overcome cultural hurdles. Zarah has received several awards for her social entrepreneurial activities - most recently the "Audi Generation Award 2021". As an expert on diversity, integration and female entrepreneurship, she advises the German government, among others, and appears at numerous conferences (Bits & Pretzels, TEDx). The magazine Capital selected Zarah as one of the "Top 40 under 40". Most recently, Social Bee was selected from 8,000 companies worldwide by and accepted into Google Communities Accelerator Programme.
Zarah is passionate about diversity and will work with and for 4C to advance her passion.
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What are tomorrow's business models? How will companies make their profits in the future? What spaces will digitization open up? Felix Hesse is already asking himself these questions today: With his pronounced passion for digitalization topics, Felix supports his customers in questioning their existing business models and making them fit for the future. His sense of customer needs and, above all, his sense of smart solutions help him to do this. Felix focuses on the development of innovative digital services and products and sees himself as an innovation driver - especially when it comes to creating added value for his customers. In addition, he is an expert in business model development and in "finding" new sources of revenue. For him, this is perfectly combined in the "Digitization" Competence Center.
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“People, who really want to move things forward” – are the ones Markus Noçon wants to work with. We are happily quoting Markus, since it expresses a central consulting challenge. Namely, mastering the balancing act between corporate decision-making concepts on the one hand and a pragmatic implementation of methods and instruments on the other. This works best with partners on the client, side who want and actively drive change.
His main focus lies within the CFO Advisory, especially in group accounting and consolidation, controlling & reporting, planning as well as performance management systems and consolidation systems.
He has extensive experience in many industries.
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Planning and decision making, organizational development or down-to-earth change management – in these disciplines 4C consultants develop profound competences. The commitment of those involved, however, is decisive to deliver individualized solutions. For Manuel Iserloh, a passionate mountaineer, there is a close parallel: success depends on individual capabilities and team cooperation.
He has outstanding experience in the healthcare sector focusing on strategy development, digitization, decision making, process optimization, change management and restructuring.
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For Stephan Grunwald, consulting is an entrepreneurial activity with many variations; in various industries, for companies of different sizes, in different management structures. Yet always with the same sense of entrepreneurship. The prerequisite for all this is a sound and broadly diversified foundation in business administration. For him, however, the consistent realization of a concept is the ultimate entrepreneurial aspect of consulting differentiating 4C GROUP from its competition.
His focus lies in the CFO Advisory covering all aspects of decision making and controlling, reporting & planning, cost management, new role of finance (Industry 4.0), HR digitization and innovation management.
He has extensive experience in various industries and consulting of owner-managed and family led companies.
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Patrick Utsch always gets up in the morning to make things better every day. This is also how he understands his consulting approach. In doing so, he puts the customer in focus. He asks himself how processes can be aligned with customers in such a way that maximum added value is created for them. And how organisations have to adapt and handle necessary change as a result. He is driven by passion and positive thinking. He says, "it's always about people!". Only those who take people along on the business expedition and show genuine interest in them will be able to effect change.
Patrick combines more than 20 years of sales experience in various management roles in financial services and consumer goods with many years of consulting experience. His focus is on the development of sustainable and resilient business and sales models, holistic customer centricity of organization through digitalization and transformation, and overall sales excellence.
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In consulting creating benefit for a customer is considered to be a given. In practice, this is not necessarily the case. At least according to Dr. Heiko Mauterer's experience in several management positions in banking. Creating true value is a key concept for him, that determines his thinking as well as his work with his clients. If applicable, all benefit aspects - in his eyes - are to be quantified and made measurable. And that's also not self-evident.
Heiko Mauterer has outstanding experience in financial services and focuses on regulatory management, Human Resources, digitization, operations and project management.
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Martin Stephany sees the successful transformation as the focus of his consultancy work in order to achieve sustainable customer benefit, with qualitative and quantitative analysis being the basis for consultation and complex content. He specializes in the areas of IT strategy, IT innovation & transformation and operational excellence and has extensive experience in numerous industries including IT services, financial services, energy, telco and manufacturing.
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An absolute intention to change things for the better is part of every 4C consultant’s essential mindset. Anyone who can prove this talent in challenging project situations, will go far with 4C. This applies in particular for Hans-Martin Schneider, whose assertiveness and talent for business development is combined with a good sense of humor.
His focus is in business transformation, digitization, business development & growth as well as restructuring.
He has extensive experience in the financial services, services and technology sectors as well as with owner and owner managed companies.
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Unlike others - get to know our true characters
We have been successfully developing our employees into personalities and true entrepreneurs for more than 25 years: 40% of our employees are shareholders and over 30% of our managers have been with the company for more than 15 years. Out of our offices in Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin and Dusseldorf over 110 employees realize projects on a national and international level for our clients.
Our long-standing Partnerships
In specific engagements, we sometimes rely on selected partners, with whom we have established long-term, successful partnerships. These are, on the one hand, professional service firms that complement our consulting approach and on the other hand specific software providers, whose applications we have successfully implemented many times.
However, we would like to emphasize, that we remain independent in our business decisions and the recommendations for our customers at all times. The focus is on the best outcome for our customers, whose trust we value highly. That is, why we also cultivate or initiate selected networks in which we promote open exchange with and among our customers.
Below you will find a list of our current partners cooperating with us in selected areas.
Do you have any questions or would you like to find out more about our services?
Contact us for a non-binding consultation.
Our Consulting Services