„Through mentoring programs, regular feedback discussions, and internal as well as external training measures, the personal and professional goals of each individual are promoted according to their needs.“

Julius Haag Consultant

Career Change - From Sports Science to Consulting

Your Path to 4C?
As a career changer entering the world of consulting, my path to 4C is rather unusual at first glance: After completing my PhD in Sports Science, I was looking for a new challenge in a field that emphasizes analytical approaches, teamwork, and communication skills while also offering room for personal and professional development. This is how I discovered the world of management consulting.

I first encountered 4C at a job fair in Berlin. After a friendly and informative exchange, I quickly decided to apply directly to 4C. From the very beginning, I perceived 4C as a professional company - an impression that was further reinforced throughout the application process. Since joining 4C, I have enjoyed encountering a wide range of tasks, terms, and concepts on a daily basis.

What makes working at 4C special for you?
From my perspective, working at 4C is particularly characterized by an attractive corporate culture. The great atmosphere here is marked by openness, respect, and positive interactions. We support each other with any questions, across all levels - from peer consultants to managers, partners, and the board. Additionally, 4C places great emphasis on the individual development of its employees. Through mentoring programs, regular feedback discussions, and both internal and external training measures, the personal and professional goals of each individual are promoted according to their needs.


ECHTE TYPEN persönlich
Sports are and will always be a central part of my life. The planning for the next Alpine crossing by road bike is already underway!

  • Consultant Finance & Accounting
    @4C in the field of Finance & Accounting, June 2024
  • Doctorate
    @University of Heidelberg in Sports Science (Dr. phil.)
  • Teaching Degree
    @University of Heidelberg in the subjects of Sports, English, and History
  • Year Abroad as a Teaching Assistant
    @Bucknell University (PA), USA


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