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Managing Digitalization Projects
What good are the best strategies and concepts if they fail in implementation? Often, the interface between the innovation department and the operational divisions is a significant obstacle in the successful implementation of digitalization projects. This may be due to structural issues, such as outdated process landscapes, or individual problems arising from a natural skepticism towards innovation and digitalization topics.
Employees are expected to acquire many new skills and a basic understanding of topics related to the digital age, which are novel and with which they have not had any previous contact. Due to a shortage of skilled workers and demographic change, these skills are often not yet established in all areas of a company. To optimally position your company for implementing complex digitalization projects, we support the management of software development and accompany your transformation journey. Our approach always keeps the "big picture" in view, ensuring that all activities consistently follow the company's and innovation strategy.
Based on a formulated digitalisation & innovation strategy, it must be ensured that it is successfully implemented in the company. As many digitalisation projects have a major impact on structures, processes and the organisation, it is important to be aware of the implications from the outset and to plan the implementation accordingly. In order to bring your digitalisation project to a successful conclusion, we offer individual support and guidance.
Why is it important?
Developing the necessary skills and experience for digitalization projects is resource-intensive. We have experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise across various business areas and industries and have successfully completed digitalization projects. This ensures that the correct measures are taken during this critical project phase to enable successful implementation.
- Early orchestration and moderation of the objectives and interests of all stakeholders (Requirement Engineering, Smart PMO)
- Efficient communication of the requirements for the digitalization project to the development teams, as well as management and documentation of the implementation
- Optimal management of software development teams as sparring partners, co-product owners/scrum masters to increase efficiency and effectiveness from sprint to sprint
- Consistent implementation of the digitalisation project always in the context of the "big picture" and the company's vision
Which Problem Does This Product Solve?
With proven methods and a precise strategy, we ensure that the frequent failure of digitalisation projects during implementation is significantly reduced and the projects are brought to a successful conclusion. Knowledge gaps in the company are closed and a broad range of experience is made available to effectively implement digitalisation projects. Efficiency is increased, risks are minimised and the chances of success are increased by drawing on proven methods and identifying potential problems at an early stage.
The essence of 'Technology Excellence' lies in selecting technologies that deliver real value - those that solve problems and promote sustainable social and economic progress. It's about targeted innovations that go beyond mere technology adoption.
Felix Hesse | CDO Advisory 4C GROUP
Success Factors
- Definition of clear and measurable goals for the digitalization project to maintain focus and monitor progress
- Involve all relevant stakeholders (top management, project management, end users, etc.) from the outset to ensure support and acceptance
- Open and transparent communication and moderation about goals, project progress and challenges between all stakeholdersA structured approach to change management to prepare employees for change and promote their acceptance and integration into the workflow
- Define clear responsibilities and decision-making paths to ensure effective decision-making processes
- A standardized approach rather than a tailored approach
Do you have any questions or would you like to find out more about our services?
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Our Approach
Every digitization project is unique, so we will work with you during the project planning phase to develop an individual approach that will ensure the successful implementation of the digitization project.
Methodic Expertise
We can draw on a wide range of tools when providing support. We have many years of expertise from numerous digitalization projects and provide support in the transformation journey with requirements engineering, agile project organization, Smart PMO, Scrum development and others as required.
Client Testimonials
"4C GROUP and the digital business team around Felix Hesse supported us in developing new growth areas in the shortest possible time and preparing them "investor-friendly". What I really appreciate about the collaboration is their intuition for new technologies and trends as well as the derivation of customer-centric use cases, paired with pragmatic implementation competence - which is especially crucial for us as a startup. In addition, 4C acts as a strategic partner for us in the expansion of the API platform. Here we benefit greatly from their innovative character and implementation excellence in the corporate environment."
Werner Kräutlein, CEO and founder WechselGott GmbH
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