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Innovation Process & Management

The ability to generate new ideas and successfully implement innovations is the foundation for a company's long-term success and growth. An innovation process that helps efficiently and quickly execute the best ideas must be consistently pursued. Therefore, it is crucial to make the right decisions through clear rules. However, traditional corporate structures are often not aligned with the peculiarities of innovation projects.

These obstructive structures can significantly weaken innovation power and even lead to severe conflicts between different stakeholders in innovation projects. This is particularly evident in the crucial collaboration with departments, often problematic during the handover of an innovation into the department. Thus, clearly defined innovation processes for different degrees and fields of innovation (e.g., incremental vs. disruptive) that are rigorously followed are a fundamental requirement for the effective use of resources, the successful market launch, and ultimately the economic success of innovations.


Based on a formulated digitalisation & innovation strategy, it must be ensured that it is successfully implemented in the company. As many digitalisation projects have a major impact on structures, processes and the organisation, it is important to be aware of the implications from the outset and to plan the implementation accordingly. In order to bring your digitalisation project to a successful conclusion, we offer individual support and guidance.

Why is it important?

Developing the necessary skills and experience for digitalization projects is resource-intensive. We have experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise across various business areas and industries and have successfully completed digitalization projects. This ensures that the correct measures are taken during this critical project phase to enable successful implementation.

  • Early orchestration and moderation of the objectives and interests of all stakeholders (Requirement Engineering, Smart PMO)
  • Efficient communication of the requirements for the digitalization project to the development teams, as well as management and documentation of the implementation
  • Optimal management of software development teams as sparring partners, co-product owners/scrum masters to increase efficiency and effectiveness from sprint to sprint
  • Consistent implementation of the digitalisation project always in the context of the "big picture" and the company's vision

Which Problem Does This Product Solve?

With proven methods and a precise strategy, we ensure that the frequent failure of digitalisation projects during implementation is significantly reduced and the projects are brought to a successful conclusion. Knowledge gaps in the company are closed and a broad range of experience is made available to effectively implement digitalisation projects. Efficiency is increased, risks are minimised and the chances of success are increased by drawing on proven methods and identifying potential problems at an early stage.

Innovation is not a matter of chance, but the outcome of clear structures and dynamic processes. With 'CDO Advisory', we combine these elements to transform your company's portfolio in a targeted and effective way.

Felix Hesse | CDO Advisory 4C GROUP

Success Factors

  • Define the roadmap and objectives of the innovation unit and adapt them to the corporate strategy, especially ensuring a coherent causal chain of strategy, process, criteria incl. KPIs per gate
  • Develop a process with the involvement of all important internal stakeholders
  • Include aspects of resource allocation
  • Resilience of the process

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Our Approach


Understand current challenges and weaknesses in the innovation process. Analyse the needs of internal stakeholders.


By analysing your current process landscape, we can understand the biggest challenges and problems. Through workshops and interviews with key stakeholders, we gain a complete picture of the situation and uncover further potential.


Using our experience and best practices, we gradually develop a new, clearly defined, resilient innovation process in interactive working sessions. We also moderate between the various parties and ensure the compliance of the process.


Taking into account the overall corporate strategy, a structural framework for innovation management is set up so that it can be successful in the long term and secure the competitiveness of your company.

Client Testimonials

"The cooperation with Felix Hesse and his colleagues was extremely enriching for my team and me on several levels. The 4C GROUP combines very good methodology with a high degree of individualisation and adaptation to the needs of the client. The colleagues work very precisely, reliably and bindingly. The work results are very rich in content and consistent. They are very appreciative and accommodating, despite all their goal orientation, which makes the cooperation pleasant for all project participants. And decisive for their mission - they bring along knowledge, ideas and impulses, thus enriching the process of strategy design or the detailed preparation of a development project with important aspects of content."

Marta Steib, Head of Workstream Kanzleimanagement at DATEV eG

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Your Experts

Felix Hesse


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Joerg Bassen

Senior Partner

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Thank you for your trust. We look forward to hearing from you.


Claudia Bauer

Head of Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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Maike Ring

Expert Marketing & Business Development

+49 89 599 882 0

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