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CEO Advisory | Future Viability & Transformation

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Shaping the Future: Future Viability & Transformation in the Era of Change

Our way of living, working, and doing business is changing rapidly. Entire industries, and especially business models, are redefining themselves. Those who wish to survive in times of disruptive change cannot simply set things to autopilot. Thus, in the coming years, driven by the fundamental challenges of economic and societal transformation, organizations face enormous tasks in ensuring the future viability of their corporate and business models. This affects both female entrepreneurs and corporate leaders alike, demanding especially their skills in leading, managing, and transforming their organizations - to a much greater extent than in previous decades. This is primarily due to the fundamental nature and diversity of the changes and their cross-company impact.

The responsibility for implementing change projects, for example, ESG transformation, the Demographic Shift, or the digitalization of business models, is increasingly moving closer to the CEO or entrepreneur. This is because these changes also trigger fundamental cultural shifts in the way an organization is led and its existence justified.

Our Services

Corporate Identity

Consulting Expertise
Corporate Identity:

  • Value and Purpose
  • Vision and Mission
  • Cultural Change
  • Demography & Diversity
  • Grandchild ability


Business Model Strategy

Consulting Expertise
Business Model Strategy:


Consulting Expertise
Transformation Excellence:

  • Willingness/ability to change
  • Cyber Security Readiness
  • AI/technology affinity
  • Complexity reduction
  • Crisis Resilience & Risk Management


Sustainable business practices (ESG) imply a fundamental change in behaviors and mindsets, effectively resulting in a company-wide transformation that is likely to take several years.

Hans-Martin Schneider |

Our Approach

Visionary Corporate Leadership

We help you shape the future of your company in a visionary way by creating the cultural and strategic conditions necessary for long-term future-proofing.

Strategic Business Model Development

Our goal is to promote the further development of your business models and to develop new strategies that will position your company at the forefront of your sector.

Focusing on Areas of Excellence

We support you in focusing your organization on key areas of excellence that are crucial for maintaining a leading position in the competitive landscape.

What our Customers Say

"We did not want to delegate necessary restructuring within the group to external consultants, but rather to take it into our own hands. As mentors, the 4C consultants provided pragmatic support to responsible employees at the beginning of the change processes that were initially unfamiliar. In this way, the company's competence in project management was strengthened and can be called upon for future projects".

Hans-Joachim Lenke, Vorstandsvorsitzender, Ev. Diakoniewerk Schwäbisch-Hall

Why 4C?

  • Objective Consultation at Eye Level: As a CEO, corporate leader, or entrepreneur, you'll find in us a partner who not only understands your business model and challenges but also stands by your side with deep business acumen and pragmatic implementation. Our clients particularly value our commitment to a sustainable and substance-oriented management philosophy.
  • Expertise in Transformation: We combine our excellence in corporate leadership, technology, and personnel leadership with a proven approach to transformation. This approach integrates cultural and structural elements in the change process, especially in implementation, to ensure that your company not only survives but thrives.
  • Experienced and Committed Employees: Our consultants are not just experts in their field but also individuals with courage and integrity. They stand independently and with a clear, well-founded stance for the values and goals of your company.

Your Path to Transformation

By choosing 4C as your partner in CEO consulting, you're selecting a path marked by a profound understanding of the complexity of change processes and their integration with key management disciplines. We are here to guide you through the inevitable challenges of transformation and ensure that your leadership is capable of meeting not only today's but also future demands.

In a world that is constantly changing, it's crucial to have a partner who not only points in the right direction but also walks the path alongside you. With 4C, you choose a partner who understands your vision and collaborates with you to shape the future of your company.

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Hans-Martin Schneider

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Contact Us

We would like to emphasize that this website provides only a limited insight into our services. Our expertise and range of services cannot be fully represented on this platform. For personalized consultation and to address your specific concerns most effectively, we warmly invite you to contact us directly. We are committed to offering tailored solutions to meet your needs.

Thank you for your trust. We look forward to hearing from you.


Claudia Bauer

+49 89 599 882 0

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Maike Ring

+49 89 599 882 0

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