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Planning, control and target orientation of the IT organization

IT systems are playing an increasingly important role in the business models of almost all industries. Regardless of whether the business model itself is a digital business model or processes of traditional business models are automated, the proportion of IT costs compared to the costs of other resources is increasing significantly. While business administration devotes entire chairs to the management of traditional input factors, IT is a hybrid between the two worlds and seems to elude discussion. However, anyone who has ever bought and configured a computer at a discount store and has a clear message from this experience believes they can have a say: IT is getting cheaper and cheaper - why not in our company too?

Transparency and new control approaches are needed here more than ever! The more automated the processes become - and Industry 4.0 is already beginning to show us where the journey is heading - the less suitable traditional instruments appear to be.



Basis of IT Controlling

Effective IT Controlling is based on a well-defined IT organization



Business processes

  • Integration and role of IT in the context of process optimization
  • Coordination of IT processes with business processes

Customer-Oriented Services

  • Definition of services and commissioning process
  • Standardization vs. flexibility of services and transparency of costs
  • Standardization of IT processes (ITIL)

Pricing and Billing Model

  • Definition of the billing model and the price parameters for each product and product variant or SLA parameter
  • Definition of the calculation model


  • Business alignment of IT
  • IT strategy and IT architecture
  • IT management philosophy
  • Depth of integration
  • Program management


  • Centralized or decentralized IT organization
  • Separation of projects and operations
  • Definition of organizational interfaces
  • Personnel strategy / qualification


  • Standardization
  • Purchasing strategies
  • Make-or-buy

IT controlling is consistent product and portfolio management

Effective IT controlling requires a solid foundation that answers the following questions, among others: In what way does IT support business processes? What services and performance levels are expected from the operating units? What is the IT production and sourcing strategy? What will the future IT landscape and architecture look like in the target picture? How will operating costs develop even under growth assumptions (run and grow) and which change projects can and must the company implement? Only when these questions are clear can the right levers be set in motion via a business management concept and an expanded portfolio management.

Why 4C?

IT controlling is the most neglected competitive advantage

In the uncertainty about the correct and effective use of IT, people like to call for benchmarking - in the hope that the others are already doing it right. Why not let the others muddle along and believe they are on top of things? Manage your IT in such a way that it becomes a real competitive advantage in the digital world of tomorrow. We can help you with this!



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