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Intercultural Readiness Assessment

In the era of demographic shifts, the significance of diversity, especially within the workplace, has become increasingly essential. Diversity among employees enriches the workplace with a broad array of perspectives and ideas, playing a pivotal role in the long-term prosperity and adaptability of businesses. Companies that proactively champion diversity efforts not only foster a more inclusive work culture but also gain access to a wider talent pool, enhance their capacity for innovation, and improve their ability to adjust to evolving market conditions. This transition towards greater diversity is not merely a reflection of ethical principles but also a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge in a sustainable manner.

Success Factors

The "Intercultural Readiness Assessment" is our solution to the core challenges faced by many businesses: demographic shifts, skilled labor shortages, innovation pressures, regulatory demands, and the quest for high employer attractiveness. This innovative tool aids your company not only in overcoming these challenges but also in transforming them into opportunities for growth and progress.

This tool is more than just a initiative - it represents a strategic decision that requires a comprehensive transformation of your organizational culture. Embrace cultural diversity as the key to sustainable, forward-looking management.

  • Organizational Preparation
  • Top Management Commitment
  • Prioritization and Long-term Thinking
  • Preparing for Diversity Transformation

The consequent increase of "Cultural Diversity" is a key response to demographic change and forms the foundation of the mission shared by socialbee and the 4C GROUP. We have recognized that diversity can offer real value to any company. CEO Zarah Bruhn is not only the founder of socialbee, where she and her team focus on integrating refugees into the job market, but she also serves as the Federal Commissioner for Social Innovation at the BMBF and on the Council for Sustainable Development. Realizing early on that we share a common set of values, we are particularly pleased that Zarah has been acting as a Supervisory Board member for the 4C GROUP since 2021.

4C E-Booklet: Intercultural Readiness Quick Check

Consistently increasing cultural diversity is a key response to demographic change and the basis of the mission of the cooperation between socialbee and the 4C GROUP. 
Thank you for understanding that we can currently only offer our studies in german. For more information feel free to contact us directly.

socialbee | 4C GROUP

Diversity is not just a 'nice-to-have', but a 'must-have' for a stronger, more innovative and socially responsible workplace and a sustainable future for all.

Hans-Martin Schneider | 4C GROUP

Four steps to success!

With our innovative 'tool,' we support companies in positioning themselves for the future and presenting themselves as attractive employers for immigrant talents.

But how does this assessment work in practice? Here is an overview of the process in four steps.

Discover how our Intercultural Readiness Assessment can help your company take a leading role in integrating immigrant talents and successfully navigate demographic changes.

Enhance your competitiveness and benefit from a diverse and qualified team. Let's shape the future together.

Get in touch now

Your Benefits

  • Enhancing innovation capacity
  • Increasing employee motivation
  • Boosting employee retention
  • Tapping into new target groups
  • Improving corporate image
  • Addressing skilled labor shortages

Our Approach


An assessment of the key success factors, structured checklists, transparent evaluations, in-depth analyses, and an aggregation of the results.


Determining maturity levels through insights gained from comparable projects.


Identification of action areas, initiatives, and implementation planning.

Reevaluation & Certification

Regular reevaluation of progress and, optionally, Diversity and Inclusion certification.

Your Experts

Zarah Bruhn

Supervisory Board

To profile
Hans-Martin Schneider

Senior Partner

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