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Human Capital Reporting Standard - DIN ISO 30414 

The need to present a company's financial performance in a transparent and uniform manner led to the introduction of standards for financial reporting and accounting decades ago. These standards make it possible to describe the financial results and position of a company in a standardized way. Despite the widespread acceptance and application of these financial standards, there was a significant gap in reporting until 2018: there was no internationally recognized reporting standard that similarly reflected a company's performance in terms of its human capital. To close this gap, ISO 30414 was created, which relies on the global credibility and recognition of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


Benefits for Organizations
Content of the Standard

  • The standard represents the first official international framework for standardization in the field of external and internal human capital reporting. 
  • The standard was published on the ISO website in December 2018.

  • By being compliant to the ISO 30414 standard, organizations can further position themselves in the context of sustainable corporate governance. It directly contributes to the "S" and "G" in "ESG".
  • By implementing the standard, organizations can show internally and externally that they further professionalize their HR function.
  • Due to the global uniqueness of the ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting standard, organizations have exactly one standard to choose from.

Current publications:

  • For large organizations, 23 KPIs are in scope in the area of External Human Capital Reporting
  • For small and medium organizations, 10 KPIs are in scope in the area of External Human Capital Reporting

Success Stories

Overview of organizations that have already received official certification for the implementation of ISO30414 as part of their human capital reporting:

Our References

Implementation of the HCR according to DIN ISO 30414

HCR field report: Infineon

Infineon is one of the first companies internationally to be officially certified according to ISO 30414 for Human Capital Reporting. We were able to support Infineon as a certification partner and with our developed ISO 30414 standard process.

Read the full experience report

Importance of ISO certification for ESG

The ISO standard directly contributes to the ESG strategy of organizations - especially the "S" (Social) and the "G" (Governance) in ESG, which are often underrepresented in the public ESG discussion. Human capital reporting is relevant for ESG strategies as it covers the social dimension, mitigates risks, creates competitive advantages, promotes long-term sustainability and strengthens the relationship with employees.


ISO certification at Rheinmetall

We would like to congratulate Rheinmetall AG on achieving ISO certification for Human Capital Reporting, a milestone that underlines the importance of transparency and standardization in HR. This certification, a privilege previously granted to only a few DAX-listed companies, marks a decisive step in the development of HR strategies and practices. It serves as a globally recognized benchmark for quality and efficiency in HR administration and signals a strong commitment to optimizing HR processes and metrics.
It not only provides a solid basis for internal decision-making processes and performance improvements, but also contributes to improving ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) performance. This strengthens stakeholder trust and positions Rheinmetall as a pioneer in HR innovation. We at 4C GROUP are proud to have been able to support this project and would like to emphasize Rheinmetall's commitment to a future-oriented HR policy.

Read the Article


Client Testimonials

„We did it! As one of the first companies worldwide, Infineon Technologies is now officially ISO certified for Human Capital Reporting! ISO 30414 is the only official international Human Capital Reporting Standard that enables comparable collection and reporting of HR data! [...] We are super excited & couldn't wait to receive the certificate... A virtual handover with Dr. Heiko Mauterer and Tobias Graessle had to suffice for now.[...]!

LinkedIn post

Markus Fink, Executive Vice President & CHRO bei Infineon Technologies

Client Testimonials

"[...]Infineon is one of the first companies worldwide to be officially ISO certified for Human Capital Reporting!
The ISO 30414 certification is the only official international Human Capital Reporting Standard that enables comparable collection and reporting of HR data! It comprises 23 Human Capital related metrics in 9 different areas like Compliance & Ethics, Diversity, Recruitment, Mobility & Turnover, and Leadership amongst others. [...]
We are happy to have received the certification from 4C GROUP AG - Management Consultancy this week! [...]"

LinkedIn post

Official Infineon Website Announcement

Infineon Technologies

Client Testimonials

„[...] Allianz became the second company in the DAX 40 to have its HR reporting processes certified under the new international standard for human capital reporting, ISO 30414. The 4C GROUP, a recognized management consultancy and member of the International Organization for Standardization committee that developed the gauge, conducted the certifying audit.
By following the new ISO standard, Allianz is now able to track employees’ collective productivity, diversity, health, and other HR-related metrics in a consistent way across all 60 business units. Allianz HR executives say consistency in tracking these metrics will help make employees’ contributions to the group’s success more transparent to the entire Allianz community, including its managers and investors [...]“

Allianz People Fact Book 2021

Client Testimonials

„What gets measured, gets managed. We are proud to announce that Deutsche Bank has become the first DAX30 company to be certified as meeting the Human Capital Reporting Standards ISO30414 through the publication of its HR Report 2020. This international standard recognises those companies who provide the required transparency around people related Key Performance Indicators, such as diversity and inclusion, organisational culture and recruitment. It is also a sign of sustainable corporate governance.
Our drive to meet these standards is aligned to our HR Strategy, which has data driven and objective people decisions at its core. By reaching this milestone, Deutsche Bank has sent a strong signal that it is open about its people related metrics and committed to continuous improvement[...]“

LinkedIn post

Deutsche Bank

Client Testimonials

„We are absolutely delighted to be one of the first organizations to be certified in accordance with these standards and aspire to lead in this developing area of disclosure.“

LinkedIn post

Kristina Flügel, Head of DWS Human Resources

Client Testimonials

"In January DWS became one of the first organizations to be certified in accordance with Human Capital Reporting Standards as set out by the International Standards Organization. Kristina Flügel and Claire Peel were recently presented with the official certificates on behalf of the firm to mark this important milestone."

LinkedIn post



This is an embedded YouTube video which activates when you click on the play button.

Is the New EU Sustainability Reporting Directive a Gamechanger for Stakeholder Management?

Decide for yourself: On 21 March from 1 pm ET, Dr Heiko Mauterer and Carmen X. W. Lu from Wachtell Lipton discussed the possible effects of the new regulations. Watch the intriguing discussion or see some highlights at the ESM Website.

This is an embedded YouTube video which activates when you click on the play button.

Stakeholder Capitalism

In one of the latest Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinars 4C senior partner Dr. Heiko Mauterer alongside R. Edward Freeman, Alex Edmans and more explained the importance of human capital management and stakeholder engagement in the 21st century and talked about why stakeholder capitalism helps in becoming a better company.

This is an embedded YouTube video which activates when you click on the play button.

Why Human Capital is a Marketing Issue

4C Senior Partner and ISO 30414 expert Dr. Heiko Mauterer and his team support companies on their way to compliance with the Human Capital Reporting Standard. In the Enterprise Engagement Alliance webinar with Bruce Bolger and Dr. Solange Charas Dr. Heiko Mauterer explains why the idea of ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting has moved from a compliance to a marketing and communications opportunity.

This is an embedded YouTube video which activates when you click on the play button.

The ISO 30414 Certification Business Opportunity

In the latest Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube show, executives from Allianz and Infineon explain why their organizations adopted the ISO 30414 Human Capital Reporting Standards, what was involved in the implementation, and how their organizations plan to use the standards in the future. 4C Senior Partner und ISO 30414 expert Dr. Heiko Mauterer, who supported the certifications of these two leading multinational companies, also talks about the benefits of implementing human capital reporting standards.

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Our Approach

The quick start: The 4C Quick Checkup

A simple and efficient method for getting started is the "4C Quick Checkup". This is a gap analysis that assesses an organization's readiness for certification.

On the way to certification: The 4C Certification Assessment

Organizations can then start a 4C "Certification Assessment" to obtain ISO certification.

Enhance your Human Capital value with the DIN ISO 30414 certification from 4C. It's a key step for boosting employee engagement and strengthening stakeholder trust in your company.

Dr. Heiko Mauterer | CHRO Advisory 4C GROUP


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