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4C GROUP | Vena Solutions

We are pleased to announce our partnership with Vena!

Together, we support companies in the DACH region in optimizing their planning and control processes and strengthening data-based decisions.
With Vena's innovative platform and our many years of consulting expertise, we offer customized solutions for sustainable growth and future-proof decision-making.



Webinar | Introduction to Vena Solutions and our motivation for the partnership


Find out why we chose Vena Solutions and how this powerful software can support your business.

Discover the key features and benefits of this integrated financial planning, budgeting and reporting software. This webinar offers you the opportunity to experience the added value of Vena Solutions first-hand and to understand how the software can be seamlessly integrated into existing processes.

We look forward to your participation!

Watch the webinar

Lunch & Learn  | 4C GROUP & Vena Solutions


Thursday, April 10, 2025

09:00 AM - 14:00 PM

LOUIS Hotel  | Vikutalienmarkt 6 | 80331 Munich

Join us in Munich to discover the latest financial trends, learn best practices for FP&A, and see how you can transform Excel into your complete planning platform.

We look forward to your participation!

Register now


Our Goals

Flexibility & familiarity: Vena is interesting for companies that value the flexibility and familiarity of their existing Excel-based planning and reporting, but at the same time long for the control and efficiency of a “real” system.sehnen.

Ease of use & independence: Vena can be easily extended by the business users themselves due to the Excel interface, which ensures flexibility and independence in subsequent use.

Seamless Microsoft integration: The cloud-based CPM tool Vena offers a native Microsoft interface, which means that proven tools such as Excel, PowerBI and the Co-Pilot are also seamlessly available.

Automation & data integration: Vena automates key planning processes and brings together data from upstream systems such as ERP, CRM and financial systems to enable stringent planning on a single platform.

Workflow-optimization: Vena offers an easily configurable, integrated workflow component that significantly optimizes the entire planning process and increases planning efficiency and accuracy.



Our Speakers

Markus Noçon

Senior Partner

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Andrew Chubb

Pre-Sales DirectorVena Solutions

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Alex Wood

VP of ChannelVena Solutions

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