„One of the things that made me want to return was 4C's family high-performance culture.“

Dr. Heiko Mauterer Senior Partner

From consulting to industry and back again

Describe your path with and back to 4C
Joining 4C came at the very beginning of my professional life and was the best thing that could have happened to me professionally. I was involved in customer projects from the very beginning and experienced first-hand what makes a 4C employee: customer orientation, content expertise and social competence. A fast pace, a steep learning curve, lots of fun with work colleagues and a dynamic environment are the vocabulary that define this phase for me.
The 4C culture and values left a lasting impression on me. This also helped me in the years that followed as a senior executive and director at the corporate headquarters of a major international bank. This intermediate step in the banking industry developed my management and leadership skills. And the best: I was allowed to come back to 4C... And meanwhile I have been back for 10 years. Not because I didn't like it in the industry - on the contrary, I felt very comfortable as a manager in the banking industry. However, I missed two crucial things, which I already experienced during my first time at 4C: The daily collaboration with professional clients in challenging projects, and the family-like high-performance culture of 4C. How am I doing with that? Great!
What excites you about your consulting field?
For me, the special thing about my focus areas is that we not only help our clients to improve their performance, but can also make the world a better place.We support our customers in compliance projects to prevent and fight financial crime. We support our customers in HR projects to become a better employer for their employees.

Personal Expedition
Fun Fact about me: I financed my studies as a fitness trainer, cab driver and mailman. Of course, this has broadened my horizons beyond the classic business topics. Heikomultitalent

  • Re-entry as Partner
    @4C "Banking & Compliance" and "Human Resources Management", Oct 2011
  • Director in Private and Corporate Clients
    @Deutsche Bank, 2003 - 2011
  • Entry as Consultant
    @4C, Feb 2002
  • Economics (Dr. rer. Oec.)
    @Technische Universität Berlin
  • Diploma Industrial Engineering
    @Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)